Testing Automatic Changeover Regulators for Twin DOT Cylinder Applications

MP2523HP Series

Automatic changeover regulators save us from the hassle of running out of gas. The loss of time, energy and repute and inconvenience due to stoppage of gas supply is unexplainable. The changeover regulators are responsible for continuous supply of gas and are designed especially for use in systems where a reserve cylinder is attached.

As for any industrial equipment, the automatic changeover regulators must be tested before application to prevent irrecoverable damages. Here are steps to guide you through the testing process:

  • Firstly, rotate the cylinder selector lever fully towards one of the cylinders. This is your service cylinder. The other cylinder will act as a reserve cylinder. Ensure that both the cylinders are filled with gas; refill if necessary.
  • On turning both cylinder valves fully, wait till you notice the sight indicator turns green.
  • Ignite two or three cooktop burners to create a load on the pressure regulator and take note of the visible flame structure. (Avoid using the water heater or the furnace)
  • Close the service cylinder valve fully to simulate running out of gas situation. Now, observe the sight indicator. It should turn red. Make sure that the ignited cooktop burners look exactly as before.
  • Now, rotate the cylinder selector lever fully towards the reserve cylinder and observe the sight indicator to show green.
  • Disconnect the pigtail from the service cylinder and ensure that no fuel is emitted from the pigtail.
  • Now, reconnect it to the service cylinder & open its service valve fully.
  • Repeat the complete process, beginning with the reserve cylinder this time.
  • If both the cylinders respond as above, your automatic changeover regulator is working normally. If you notice gas leaking out of a disconnected pigtail or the burner flames are extinguished at any time during this test, you will need to troubleshoot.

If you are looking for quality regulators, JTC Valve Sales is your place. We stock only high quality products to ensure our products don’t cause any damage to our clients. Visit our website for more details.

Source : https://www.jtcvalvesales.com/blog/testing-automatic-changeover-regulators-for-twin-dot-cylinder-applications/

Testing Automatic Changeover Regulators for Twin DOT Cylinder Applications

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